Our tools and resources page is dedicated to helping companies who are interested in Financial Benchmarking analysis and report or would like to learn more about strengthening their company. If you find yourself needing more tools and resources, feel free to reach out by contacting us.
Financial Benchmarking
- Discover Opportunities to Increase Profits
- What is Benchmark Analysis with Industry Comparison
- Financial Performance Benchmarking Quiz
Better Management
- Better Management = More $$$
- Are You Heading For Trouble?
- Simple Management Secrets (Allan Mullaly)
- Activity Based Working
- 80/20 — The Pareto Principle
Financial Tools
- 13-Week Cash Forecast Worksheet (Excel Download)
- Break-Even Analysis (Excel Download)
- Sales Funnel Planning Tool
- Business Model Canvass (BMC) Template
- Beyond Short-term Fixes
- Financial Analysis Templates (exinfm.com)
Companies In Crisis
- Why You Need a Turnaround Pro
- The Turnaround Process
- Why A Receiver?
- Why Do We Need a 13-Week Cash Flow Projection?
- Salvaging a Troubled Business
- You Need Revenue!
- Finance For Non-Financial
Miscellaneous Links
Recommended Reading
Our reports will give you an objective different, easy to understand, perspective on your business. If you only follow a few of the recommendations in our reports, you will see increases in profits and learn how to navigate around upcoming problems. We point out specific management actions that you should take to bring your business to the next level. Be incredibly successful! Click to receive a sample report.